
Career & Study Mentee

I'm actually old enough and experienced enough to be a mentor (so I am, using another account) but I feel like everyone could benefit from continuing to be a mentee (so here I am!).

I have over 20 years of mechanical design (product and machines) and project management experience but still looking for the right mix of both. Left a long-term job last year after it was clear my career options were minimal there. Been in new job for over a year but already know it's "just not quite the right fit", so I'm back to job-hunting to see what's out there and if I can find my ideal spot that effectively use my creativity, people skills, and management skills in meaningful projects.

Would love advice from seasoned professional who've changed course a few times over the years.

What I Expect From A Mentor:

Career background relevant to mine (engineering, or other creative industry). Willing to share their own experiences. Encouragement and tangible advice (action items), if possible, on how I can improve my situation and achieve my goals.

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  • Member since about 2 months

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