
Career & Study Mentee

I am currently studying towards my BBA degree in Cape Town, South Africa. As part of our curriculum, we are required to be in contact with a mentor to guide and assist us with critical career- based, leadership and self development support.
I am studying this degree in the aim of successfully fulfilling my career goal of becoming a business management consultant. I am passionate about business and have always know that this is the field I want to be involved in.

What I Expect From A Mentor:

Sessions- 2 times per week
This mentor-mentee relationship is according to my educational institution's requirements, therefore a contract needs to be signed in agreement with our relationship
Expecting to connect with someone who is willing to understand my personality type and link their teaching/guiding tools according to my needs
Expecting to learn from great people who are passionate and knowledgeable about what they do

More about this mentee:

  • Member since almost 5 years

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