
Business & Entrepreneurship Mentee

Hello, I am in start up with a new Brand of Cowboy clothes and gear. My hero Cowboy is a Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Famer. His name is one of the most recognized names in Wyoming`s history. I have registered both his name and signature. There is a statue of him in Buffalo WY. He is loved world wide and considered one of the most courageous Cowboys in history. I need help with how to go about getting appropriate merchandise to the best marketing venues. I have the creative mind for this brand, but do not have as good a business mind. I have put all of my energy into securing my trademarks and building brand awareness. I am ready to go to the next level, I just dont know how...

What I Expect From A Mentor:

A person who can light the way and show me how to take the next and most appropriate steps in my chosen business.

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  • Member since almost 8 years

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