Business & Entrepreneurship Mentee

I was born in Trieste, north east Italy, I studied electronic engineering for some years and started my first company when I was 21. I have a master in NLP communication and I was teaching tech for years. Currently I'm teach lifting techniques in some factories. With my wife in 2004 we started an e-commerce about little animals supplies. It was for fun. It grew to about half a million /year business. With my tech background I developed all the electronic system for the company and was able to put the site at the top of the Italian market. At a certain point we lost control of the accountancy, expenses and we were so into the day by day operations that we didn't plan anything. We started another site for the USA market and one for the EU market. I invested a lot in SEO promotion with almost no results. I understand that I lack a good planning and any experience in marketing. I have no references to plan for the USA market.

What I Expect From A Mentor:

I expect to be told what I lack to be a good manager. What kind of resources I need to turn my engineering mind into accountancy and planning. I expect to be told how to plan my marketing, how to plan for success and how to understand the market. Mostly I need to understand what I should learn and what I cannot learn and should be done by someone else.

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  • Member since about 7 years

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