Oscar Estrada

Business & Entrepreneurship Mentee

Hi my name is Oscar Estrada i´m 25 years old and i´m from México. For a long time I dedicated myself to reproach and curse my life, until life, God or whatever you believe in taught me that your greatest weakness can become your greatest strength. Hitting rock bottom has taught me to appreciate the little details, from being able to breathe to having the fortune of having a family. Now I understand that the warrior does not grow great during periods of comfort. The illustrious and noble souls of our world grow strong, courageous, and ethical when they resolutely face the onslaught of adversity, difficulty, and doubt.

In the last 2 years of my life I have dedicated myself to learning to know myself, I have found great teachers in books, I am hungry to succeed, to achieve my best version, that when I die I leave this world better than I found it.

P.S. My English is not very good but I am working on it

What I Expect From A Mentor:

I am here in search of a mentor who likes to work hard, who is honest, who no matter how successful he is in business is an integral person, who never puts money before someone else's life, who guides me through the path of entrepreneurship, to instruct me and correct me when I make a mistake.

For my part I promise that if you accept me I will be loyal and sincere with you at all times and when you need me I will support you, regarding being disciplined and working hard, do not worry, my life has been governed by these two habits.

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  • Member since about 4 years

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