Sarah J

Creative & Arts Mentor

I am a Mentor who has myself suffered from Mental Health problems and setbacks in the past, so I understand the range of unique difficulties that can cause in setting your life back somewhat. Though it is a setback I firmly and passionately believe that it may truly not be the end of the story and I'm committed to working to bring out the true potential in people that have previously suffered in that way,
I have a First Class Degree in English from the University of York, and an MA in Literature Studies and Creative Writing. I have an RSA Certificate in Counselling Skills and a Life Coaching and NLP Qualification.

I am here to help you with your Creative Writing and Artistic Skills, and with your Life Skills in general.

I really look forward to working with you.

What I Expect From A Mentee:

I expect to have commitment and enthusiasm from you.

I expect contact with you at least once a week.

I charge reasonable prices, and expect that you will fulfil your obligation to pay me fairly and reasonably for the effort I am going to put in. I am hoping that this will change your life, but you are going to have to be prepared to listen to me, and follow my advice.

More about this mentor:

  • Member since about 7 years

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