Life & Personal Development Mentor
Send a message to this mentor Hello, I am Harry, a native of Alabama. and I am pleased to be apart of this online institution. As a person, I have come to the conclusion that we as people are faced with a variety of opportunities. An opportunity to travel, or to try new foods, to advance in our education, or to share with others. For me, this is an opportunity to share and esteem someone else.
At age ten, I was sexually abused by two males and it shattered my self esteem and relationship with others in that I began to act out as a means of preventing another predator the opportunity to prey on and victimize me. I roamed life in silence not knowing how or if I should even utter the incident and damage sexual abuse caused me. It wasn't long that I found myself at odds with family, the community, school officials, and law enforcement. Yes, law enforcement.
Besides wondering through life with low self esteem, I became a quitter. I quit be a teenage and wanted to be an adult. I quit being a son, a brother, and became a stranger to the very family I lived with. I quit relationships with others when I couldn't have my way, I quit fatherhood before I could take on the responsibilities, I quit school, and after attaining my first job, I was soon to quit it too. I was a quitter, quitting to seek what was right, and seemed to always start on all that pertained to what was wrong. It later cost me.
At age 19, I was sentenced to 25 years for an act of violence and served 12 1/2 years for it. After entering the adult penal system, I withstood all that came my way, whether it was the right or wrong way, I dealt with it as I saw fit.
The day arose where I gained my GED and after gaining such, it sparked an interest in me to continue enhancing my education and rebuilding my life. I became a tutor, gained other self help programs, to include fatherhood, and in November of 2008, I was released and although it has been extremely hard, due to the fact that I was always seen as an ex felon, I made a choice to never reengage myself in felonious acts, even when I couldn't attain a job. I find that we all have energy, but the question is, where will we channel that energy? In a negative or positive or negative fashion?
Since my release, I have had the privilege to share my story with juveniles in detention centers, alternative schools, public schools, and to a class of law students and police officials at an Atlanta college. I have created and starred in three documentary films; "Shoes Without A Closet" which is about homeless people, "The Untold Story of Harry Saffold", a testimony about my life, and "HIJACKED CHILDHOOD" a piece that sheds light on the fact that African - American boys are also victims of sexual abuse. These three films can be seen in part, or whole on YOUTUBE for free.
I am currently seeking investors for a series of short stories geared to inform the youth on the dangers of gangs, drugs, guns, domestic violence, etc.
As a person who has seen a great deal, I am pleased top make myself available for those seriously seeking a listening ear, or sound advice.
Nice to meet you.
What I Expect From A Mentee:
It is essentially important that when seeking any form of help from another, that you act on the liberty to be yourself and say what you mean and mean what you say. You are due the liberty to be who you are and to gain advice on becoming a stronger, affluent, and redeemed person. You are a winner in spite of.
More about this mentor:
- Member since almost 10 years
- Currently mentoring 3 people
- Mentored 2 people in the past
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