
Business & Entrepreneurship Mentor

I'm a software entrepreneur based in the U.S. My latest company has raised over 12m in capital and is running in Brooklyn, NY. I've run a financial technology accelerator for Silicon Valley Bank (80+ companies) and personally angel invested $25k USD in a data privacy company based out of Seattle, WA.

I love entrepreneurship and respect anyone who has the fortitude to take action toward their dreams. I'm happy to help by providing guidance and already chat with founders every week.

A key item to focus on in any of our potential future conversations is "What problem are you focusing on solving?"

Feel welcome to reach out.

What I Expect From A Mentee:

Once per month. Sharing specific detail about their hardest problem(s). Make progress between sessions.

More about this mentor:

  • Member since almost 4 years
  • Mentored 1 person in the past

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