
Life & Personal Development Mentee

As a former family doctor, I have done quite a lot of mentoring and I would be willing to continue to do so - at no charge.
I could also benefit from having a mentor in the following fields:-
- personal healthcare - keeping to diet, exercise and avoidance of alcohol
- time allocation - to my work of writing medicolegal reports and care of two allotments, rather than to more interesting pursuits
- two specific ventures to which I have dedicated myself:
-----------development of an agricultural cooperative in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo - and for which I need to find co-investors
- development of an association of writers of medicolegal reports on asylum seekers

What I Expect From A Mentor:

Initial interview for 30-60 minutes - with discussion of whether mentorship as a two-way street is a good idea. Then conversation by telephone or videoconference or in person if local, at intervals of one week initially - with exchange of brief email of conclusions.

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  • Member since 23 days

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